Episode 58: Small Groups From Scratch, Part 3

As we delve in to part 3 of our series on Small Groups from Scratch, in this episode we discuss developing your leaders so that they are set up for success, including what to look for in a small group leader, expectations of a small group leader, and how to train and support them for the long haul.

Episode 44: Launching Into Your Ministry Year

What does the beginning of your ministry year look like? Are you frantic and stressed out? Are you calm and well planned out?

How you launch into the next season of your ministry in important and has long-term effects on your ministry. In this episode, John and Chris hash out some ideas to launching your ministry year on a positive note.

Inside the Mind of A Master Procrastinator Ted Talk, click HERE

Episode 41: Is Getting a Graduate Degree Worth It?

As a ministry leader in the Church, there are some good reasons to consider moving forward to get your graduate degree in theology or a related field. In this episode, John and Chris discuss their experience with graduate school, reasons to get a degree, and what to consider in deciding where to get your degree.

Episode 31: The Effects of a Pastor Transition on the Parish

The transition of a pastor can be a nerve-racking time for the parish community. Change is coming. It’s the unknown of what the future brings that causes the most anxiety. In this episode, Chris and John explore the realities of pastor transitions and what you and I can do to ease the transition for ourselves, the pastor, and the parish.

Episode 23: Moving From Titles to Relationships


In this episode, Chris and John talk about the importance of positional leadership, but that it is the lowest level of leadership. They talk strategies to engage more fully in relational leadership to increase the effectiveness of your ministry.

This episode was inspired by a blog article John wrote recently: Positional Leadership: It Only Takes You So Far.

Episode 11: Volunteers or Ministers? Shifting the Culture of our Church


Volunteers are not just volunteers. How do we move them to think about their role more as a minister as opposed to just a volunteer? This requires a change in the way we think as disciples and our role in the Church.

Inspired by an email from one of our listeners, Chris Wesley and John Rinaldo delve more deeply into the role of volunteers in the Church.

Episode #7: Minister to Others, Rooted in God


To work in ministry, you have to want it. It can be painstakingly challenging as much as it is joyful. To stay on the joyful side requires a deep and personal connection with God. Join Chris and John as they share their own spiritual journey and how they’ve maintained that relationship.