Episode 134: Why Should We Open Back Up the Church for Mass? Part 1

Many parishes and dioceses have been asking the question, “how?” when it comes to opening back up for Masses. Not as many parish leaders have asked the question, “why?”

In this two-part episode, Chris and John explore 3 “why’s” parishes might resume Masses and delve into critical questions that all parishes should be asking before they determine whether they should or should not open back up for liturgy.

In this episode, we refer back to these podcast episodes:

Episode 125: Adapting and Creating Parish Strategies During Crisis

In this episode, Chris and John break open ideas on how we can still evangelize and catechize our communities even when extraordinary events, like Covid-19 (Coronavirus) happen. More specifically, we talk about your communication strategies, online giving, continuing formation, and pastoral outreach during this unprecedented time.