Episode 154: How to Re-energize Your Evangelization Efforts

Evangelization in a post-COVID church needs to be re-energized. Here we discuss that the opportunity to evangelize is high as people are dealing with so many traumatic issues in their lives. How do we meet them where they are at so that they recognize that God is there for them?

In this episode, we refer back to the following resources:

Small Groups from Scratch: A Church Podcast Series

Neighborhood Evangelization with Tony Vasinda

Episode 142: Re-Imagining Formation in a COVID World, Part 1

As it becomes more clear that COVID will continue to impact Catholic parishes and Dioceses in the United States, we have to continue to plan for our ministries from a point of realism. We cannot plan formation as we have in the past.

In this 2-part episode, Chris and John continue to explore creative ideas for formation to children, youth, and adults in this continually ambiguous time. This includes considering formation in hybrid models that includes onsite, in homes, and digitally.
We reference this video from the Thrive Conference in this podcast.

Episode 127: A Vision for Tithing During a Crisis

In all likelihood, your parish will take a financial hit as Masses are canceled. In this episode, Chris and John break open the idea of communicating and encouraging giving strategies beyond giving in the offertory basket, as well as looking at the budget to see where there are costs savings now that your Church campus is closed.